
of the mirror...my face blushed, shivers of joy rushed down my spine" (case 7 of Hirschfeld). "I spent my nights sit- ting in front of a mirror and put on my mother's dresses... (case 12 of Hirschfeld)". Our patient "D" may sit for hours. in front of a mirror, dressed and made up as a woman. A most intense narcissism was demonstrated by the patient of Grotjahn, who for hours would admire himself, dressed as a woman, in a mirror, or watch a film he took of himself when dressed and made up as a woman. "He then loved himself with such narcissistic intensity that he almost felt satisfied". (((ED.NOTE: I have often wished I could talk to a psychiatrist who was himself a TV. Only one who was would the ability to appreciate the distinction be- tween true narcissism or loving of yourself and the enjoyment of a male seeing "herself". This seems one more case where it seems so "obviously" the same thing that it appears stupid to question it. But the satis- faction a TV feels in seeing that he can make a pres- entably feminine appearance is deep and the only way he can appreciate the actuality of this accomplishment is by viewing the results in a mirror. It is not en- ough to be merely aware of the fact that you are dress- ed as a woman, you want to "know" it and your eyes are the means of knowing.)))

The exhibitionistic tendencies in transvestites are manifested in their desire to appear in public places in female clothes and in their craving to be photographed in female garments, particularly when they are doing embroid- ery, or sewing, or performing some other "typically femin- ine" type of work. They also like to have their pictures taken in a female evening dress or wedding dress, or when they are dressed as servent girls.

(((ED.NOTE: Again I question the correctness of equat- ing a TV's desire to appear in public or to be photo- graphed with other types of behavior generally group- ed under the heading of "exhibitionism". I am aware that psychiatrists will feel that my comments here are just rationalizations, but I in turn am aware of the reality of a feminine personality in a well developed